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Ancla 1

5 - 6 years old

Dance Season 2023-2024

26th August - 6th July


In order to keep the stability and development of the group, the registration is for the whole school year.


Pre-Ballet is suitable for children from the age 5 - 7. Admission is possible after a trial class and an interview with one of the parents. 


Admission is possible throughout the year, after a trial class. 




-Your child is emotionally mature to concentrate and pay visual attention for 40 minutes class.

-Can go to the W.C by him/herself.

-Enjoys playing with other kids without the presence of mom.

-Can share a toy without getting frustrated.

-Respects other kids' space

-Enjoys dancing and physical activity without the presence of mom.


In our class, we work with creative exercises and explore through the movement what our bodies can do at the same time that we work in our rhythm, strength, balance, coordination, and attention. We will learn the introduction to ballet in a happy and enjoyable way.


We are focused on creating a safe and comfortable environment where all children feel free to explore their own ideas at the same time that respecting the ideas of others. We work individually and collectively combining dance training with dance games adequate for this age, we learn the discipline of ballet and the most important... we have a lot of fun! :)


Registration for the whole school year


Pre- Ballet    5 & 6 years old

Wednesday 14:30 to 15:10

€498 euro (One payment) or 3 terms of €170 euro in August, November & March respectively.


Pre- Ballet 2:   6-7 years old (by invitation) 2 lessons per week

Monday 16:00 to 17:10 (with Ballet 1)

Wednesday 14:30 to 15:10 with Pre Ballet


€889 euro (One payment) or 3 terms of €297 euro in August, December & March respectively.


*Price includes lessons, rehearsals, one costume for our performance at the end of the season & hair accessories.

*Performance is an extra present for the hard work of the kids. It is not a right, but a present for their commitment.

*Tickets are sold to pay the rent of the theater and the salaries of the technicians and designers, tickets are sold by the theater. Parents must purchase the uniform for the regular classes themselves.

*For quality and safety, participation in the show is only for students who attended at least 80% of the lessons.

*Students registered in more than one course get a 10% discount.

*15% Sibling discount.

*Our students get a 10% courtesy discount in Danswinkel Den Haag.

Nane Danza            

+31 (6) 18 18 07 09

The Hague 

The Netherlands


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